As 2024 draws to a close, all of us here at CMD are filled with gratitude and pride for the milestones we've achieved and the community we're growing. This year has been a journey of creativity, connection, and growth, and we owe it all [...]
Ready to tackle your last minute holiday shopping? Our Ready to Ship Collection is here to save the day! These gorgeous pieces are already made and will ship out the same or next business day. From classic earrings to everyday [...]
That's right! We're back for round two of the Maker's Market at the Transparent Clinch Gallery with an all new lineup of featured makers and vendors! Come connect with local artisans and explore the talent that makes Asbury [...]
The countdown to the holidays is officially on, and I’ve got some important updates to make sure your season sparkles… If you’re shopping online, the last day to place orders with guaranteed delivery by 12/24 is Wednesday, 12/11 [...]
I first saw LP Giobbi perform at Burning Man in 2023, where I had the chance to witness her wildly electric performance. The energy she brought under The Fluffy Cloud art pieces was nothing short of magical, and I felt it deep in [...]
At CMD, we understand that each piece of jewelry is a treasure meant to last a lifetime. Whether you’re seeking a custom stack or heirloom-quality piece for a special occasion, or just simply looking to add to your collection [...]